Saturday, December 02, 2006

congressional committees

lemon squish

The congressional committees project, a daily kos community project, is growing rapidly! We're all over google, and are establishing a huge list of resources. It is available here. Notable writings of mine on this topic are the kickoff diary here, and also my writing about my understanding, based on my research, of the limitations on awareness of committee action.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

the corkboard

the corkboardstate college noirIt seems as though my flickr account has accidentally become my photo blog: a pictorial account of where I am, with my camera, taking pictures. That could be anywhere, since I feel like all expression should be recognized as performance art: the camera or the charcoal set shouldn't be directed at art school, or an art community, but it should be available as a means of bringing people together. We have the money and culture and free time available to us to enjoy the wealth and surpluses of our culture, and what do we do with it? watch television.
Instead, we should stop holding our own creations up agains those of the "masters" and actually use art to comminicate, or to start communicating. I used to think the vagaries of art lay between the artists intent and the viewer's interpretation or conception of the intent. That conceptual space is one in which artists often function, secretly saying other things, crossing fingers behind their backs in full view of the viewer. The casual art participator instead embraces that which is personal and revealing and shares in order create a new dialogical field, eschewing idolatry, and gaining access to the rhythmic value of creativity.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


is contingent on exclusion, rendering on negation.
awaiting its fate?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

lighting pilot light...

Introductory blog posts are necessarily self-referential and self-indulgent. So,
trying to strike an appropriate balance between personally revealing and universally applicable, here is a picture of a window in my bedroom. DSC00567I'd like to use this space to share some of my thoughts. At least those which weren't doing anything, but would like somewhere to play.